Sunday, May 9, 2010
Get Your Politics Out of My Hockey Game!
Given that both of these wars are extremely controversial in both countries, you would think that the NHL might want to hold off on promoting them. In Canada, the majority of the population has been opposed to the wars for a very long time. In the United States, the Iraq war has been unpopular for sometime and support for the Afghan war has been steadily declining.
Comrade Ted Grant used to joke that religion isn’t the opiate of the masses, professional sports is. Perhaps the NHL has become a little more conscious of their role in society.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Don’t Eat the Chilli!
This particular fast-food chain takes pride in serving their burgers hot off the grill. This means that they have to anticipate how many burgers will sell in the next fifteen minutes or so, in order to have them ready to serve. Well, we can’t all be perfect and quite often there are either too many or too few burgers on the grill. When a burger is cooked and left sitting on the grill so long that it can no longer be served (and this is left up to the discretion of the kid manning the grill), it is put into a little drawer at the side of the grill labelled “Chilli Meat”.
Now you probably suspected that the meat for their chilli came from old burgers and aren’t too horrified yet; you just wait. The little metal drawer at the side of the grill is not actually heated, but picks up a lot of warmth from the grill. Here these burgers sit for hours and hours until the drawer is full, in their own little cave, the perfect temperature for their microscopic hangers-on to breed.
When this bacteria-infested drawer cannot fit another burger in it, they are all transferred to an oversized freezer bag and put into the walk-in freezer. You of course write the date on the bag and put it at the back of the rotation, so when making chilli you use the oldest bag first. Here we encounter the second problem: at the restaurant that I worked in we made chilli meat twice as fast as we made chilli. The store had been open for only two years, which meant that the bags of meat we would take out for chilli were already a year old. I don’t even want to think about what happened in other, more established locations. By the time they were ready for use, the meat was so freezer-burnt that you wouldn’t know what was in the bag or how long it was there if it wasn’t written on the front.
From there, we took our bag full of year-old, over-grilled, bacteria-infested, freezer-burnt hamburger patties and put them into a giant pot of water. They were boiled for several hours, I don’t remember how long exactly, until they were no longer recognizable as burgers and the pot resembled something the texture of chunky oatmeal.
Now the next part was not for the faint of heart. This is the part where people were often unable to keep their revulsion from escaping up their oesophagus. The next step was to take a long-handled potato-masher and crush any chunks that remained. When the lid was lifted off the pot, my god the stench was unbelievable. I have walked through some of the poorest slums on the planet, with garbage and human waste piling up in the streets and rats eating the remains of other rotting carcasses, but I have never in my life smelled anything so fowl as the contents of one of those pots of chilli meat.
When all of the remaining lumps have been crushed, the rest of the chilli ingredients are added. A couple cans of beans, a large bag full of green and white cubes that are supposed to be frozen vegetables, some tomato sauce and of course the chilli seasoning. Make note, the bag said chilli seasoning, not chilli powder. I don’t know what was in that mystery bag of flavouring that could make this slop taste like chilli, but it was about three cups of some neon-orange powder. From there, it was just a quick stir and a simmer away from being served.
Every word of what I have written above I swear is true.
Friday, April 9, 2010
NDP Mobilizes for Anti-Campbell Demonstration
But the expected pitch never came. Instead, Carole James asked me to join her at a demonstration against government cuts being held at the Vancouver Art Gallery on Saturday April 10th at noon. I couldn’t believe my ears. After all, I have been relentlessly criticizing this exact leader for years for only going to the membership when she wanted some cash. I write snarky comments on facebook complaining that they only ask for my money and not my time. And throughout the anti-Campbell movement Carole was always lurking somewhere around the back of the demonstration trying not to be seen. Something has changed here.
Maybe Carole has finally realized that the real strength of this party is its grassroots and a real leader can win by mobilizing them. Maybe she has been browbeaten by the higher ups in the labour movement. Maybe she just woke up one morning and realized that the last seven years have been pretty dismal and it is time to try something new. Whatever the reason is, it is a breath of fresh air. And if this signals a new change in direction for the NDP, there might just be some hope for us yet
I’ll be there at the demonstration - and I might just send them a cheque.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tell Gordon Campbell that Corporations Should Not Be Allowed to Vote!
Governments in British Columbia have long been bought and paid for by corporations. I suppose it is only the next logical step to allow a corporation to actually cast a ballot. But why stop at municipal elections? Corporations could vote in any election! Hey, why not give them the right to run in elections too? Maybe one day McDonald’s will be Premiere! Imagine the cabinet… Minister of Forestry, Weyerhaeuser, and don’t forget the Right and Honourable Minister of Fisheries, High Liner!
What’s that? Some of you little peons on the loony left think it’s a bad idea to give corporations a ballot? Well maybe you should explain that to the Task Force:
You could also pass the message on to Gordon Campbell himself:
Thursday, March 11, 2010
If you are reading this on your work computer: Congratulations! You are not one of the 212 million people that lost their job last year.
If you had a shower and breakfast this morning: Congratulations! You are better off than the 1 billion who do not have enough food and the 3.6 billion who do not have access to basic sanitation and drinking water.
If you are okay with the statistics you just read: Congratulations! You are a member of the tiny fraction of the world’s population that owns and controls the world economy and maintains these criminal levels of poverty. Enjoy it while it lasts; it will not be for long.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
On Diversity of Tactics
Now that the Olympics are over and the crowds have died down, I feel compelled to throw my two cents into the debate on the question of diversity of tactics that has been sweeping
I must confess, that this idea of respecting diversity of tactics seems ridiculous to me. In any other context such arguments would be insane. Can you imagine a hockey player telling his coach to respect his right to a diversity of tactics and allow him to throw the play-book out the window? How about a soldier on a battle field telling his superiors to respect his right to attack or retreat at his own pleasure? Or a sailor on a ship insisting to his captain that he should be able to point the sails in whatever direction he sees fit? Of course not. A more serious approach is needed.
A very quick look at the results of the demonstration the day after the opening ceremonies, where half a dozen people smashed windows and vandalized vehicles is enough to pass judgement on the entire question. Those few individuals, succeeded in discrediting the thousands who marched the evening before. Only days earlier, the polls were showing a large majority opposing the Olympics and sympathetic to the upcoming demonstrations. The Heart-Attack demonstration was the turning point in public opinion.
So-called diversity of tactics, on a small demonstration can discredit a cause. The same actions on a larger demonstration can give the cops and excuse to tear-gas and attack an entire crowd. And in a revolutionary situation, respecting a right to diversity of tactics will get people killed! The class struggle is not a game; it is a life and death struggle.
This is not to say that there is no place for civil disobedience. Direct action and civil disobedience can be most effective tools when used correctly. But these things must be coordinated and organized by a leadership that is prepared to go into battle and win. This is ultimately a question about leadership. A full understanding of the objectives and potential outcome of direct action is necessary before it is utilized. Thousands of people blocking streets or occupying a building or even charging a police line can be the decisive moment in a mass struggle. Conversely, a few individuals smashing windows and tipping over newspaper boxes has never accomplished anything.
While a small handful would argue that any form of leadership is oppression, such arguments are completely alien to the working class movement. Any worker that has ever walked a picket line knows whose side his picket captain is on. And anyone involved in an actual struggle knows the necessity of having a picket-captain on a picket line, or a marshal on a demonstration, or a sergeant at arms at a convention, or a shop steward on a shop floor, or a captain on a battle field. The question of leadership is one of decisive importance in the struggle to overthrow capitalism - and the question of diversity of tactics has already been answered by events.