Thursday, March 11, 2010

If you are reading this on your home computer: Congratulations! You are one of only 1,733,993,741 people on this planet that has internet access. You are certainly doing better than the 1.6 billion who have no electricity and the 100 million people who have no home at all.

If you are reading this on your work computer: Congratulations! You are not one of the 212 million people that lost their job last year.

If you had a shower and breakfast this morning: Congratulations! You are better off than the 1 billion who do not have enough food and the 3.6 billion who do not have access to basic sanitation and drinking water.

If you are okay with the statistics you just read: Congratulations! You are a member of the tiny fraction of the world’s population that owns and controls the world economy and maintains these criminal levels of poverty. Enjoy it while it lasts; it will not be for long.

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